Monday, June 30, 2014

Well, today was my first day of Invisalign!

I was shocked when Dr. P's office called me last Tuesday to let me know my aligners were in.  That was less than 2 weeks from my scans on June 10!  I suspected the super fast speed had something to do with Dr. P's status as an Elite provider and he confirmed it today - he usually gets cases back in <3 weeks and has priority because of his provider status.

The first thing I did when they called me back was have another X-ray.  Apparently Dr. P. wanted to see something else about my bite to inform something later in treatment.  I wasn't paying much attention because I was so ready to the show on the road.  I got to pop the aligners in myself.  They went in pretty easily and I only had a little trouble talking.  It has gotten better as the day has worn on, but I'm still having trouble with the "s" sound, whether from an s, c or z and some "th" sounds.  So much better than I expected!  I sang along in the car on my drive home.  Seriously, "I Hope You Dance" is made for conquering a slight lisp.

I will get a lot of attachments (tooth-colored buttons that kept guide/direct/push the teeth) at the next appointment and have some IPR down the road, too, although I don't know when.

During my scans earlier in the month, the gal doing them talked to me about Acceledent.  She recommended that I consider it if I ended up with more than 30 trays.  I had heard of it but didn't think I would be able to swing another $1500 for my treatment.  I told her as much and she let me know that it's less than that and that Dr. P. believes in it so much, he was subsidizing the cost and patients could have it for only $310.  Well, I ended up with 38 trays so I decided to make that investment.  I will now be wearing my trays for 7 days at a time rather than 10.   This means I could be in retention next April!

I charged the Acceledent as soon as I got to the office after my appointment and did it while I was working during the afternoon, as I had the whole office to myself.  It was interesting...  It didn't hurt or anything but I feel like I was going to drool.

I started to feel some pressure in my top teeth during the drive to my office, but it's lessened since that first hour.  After I did the Acceledent, it felt even better.  I was really expecting to be more uncomfortable, like back in my late 20's when I was still sometimes wearing my retainer and the space between those times was  too long.  It feels nowhere near as awful as traditional braces did 25 years ago!

I only had my trays out for 50 minutes today to eat lunch and dinner and brush, floss and rinse my teeth.  I know I can't keep that up every day, but every hour of every day counts.  

Day 1:

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