A little over two months into Invisaign treatment, these are what I consider to be my essentials for maintaining good dental hygiene:
Retainer Brite cleansing tablets - One of the first steps in my morning routine is popping my aligners out and into their daily bath, with Retainer Brite cleansing tablets. I do this in a plastic denture bath because I like the lid on the top to keep my cats out of it. (The denture bath 'tubs' come as a two pack, so I use the spare when I travel.)
Dental Appliance Cleansing Towelettes - These handy wipes are perfect for on-the-go! I bought the 100 pack and still have a ton left at this point because I only use them when I can't get to a sink or, I've brushed my teeth at the sink but don't feel comfortable cleaning the aligners in front of random strangers in a public restroom after the weird looks I've received for brushing my teeth. They are pretty big but you can fold them and/or use the corners to get into the grooves of the aligners.
Colgate Wisp - I actually found these itty-bitty disposable tooth brushes at Target earlier this year when I was trying to get my teeth into shape before an overdue dental cleaning and exam. I really try to rely on standard tooth brushes whenever I can, but these are good in a pinch. For instance, during a day at Cedar Point when you're trying to travel light, they are perfect in a sandwich bag. They're also good when the public bathroom seems sketchy or other folks in the public bathroom make you feel self-conscious about pulling out your plastic teeth.
Oral B Advantage (Glide) Floss Picks - My husband actually is the one that introduced me to the beauty of floss picks and, after trying a few brands over the years, these are my favorites! They are super easy to use and I've mastered flossing without a mirror with them (maybe others have, as well, but this talent impresses my husband). I floss with one after nearly every meal and, if I didn't floss after dinner and before my trays are in for the night, I make sure I use one before bed. (I know the link is to a six pack of these - I usually get them at Target but they don't go bad and flossing is super important to dental health all the time, not just during orthodontic treatment. Stock up!)
Gum End-Tuft Toothbrush - The tufts on these toothbrushes are the perfect width for cleaning aligners. I mean, a regular toothbrush works, too, but you can get these guys in there and really scrub, especially if your treatment includes attachments (and the corresponding bubbles for them on the aligners). Whenever I'm home and especially before bed, I make sure to use one of these and some plain Crest toothbrush (not whitening or anything else special) to clean the aligners.